Friday, October 9, 2009

I know that its kind of bad... But today gotta be one of my relief n happiest day...
They are going back to Dubai!!!
I really2 feel that I've been gone thru so much these past one month....
N this is the finally comes...
I feel so bad... As a human, I do make mistakes... I'm sorry aqueelah... I wanted to treat u nice... the same as all my siblings n cousins...
But... its very very difficult... I hope that when u're older, u wld understand whats going on between me n ur mum... I will make amends for it...
Same goes to nieshah... coz afterall... i'm still a normal human being.. I can't afford to be nice to ppl all the time.. I'm nt an angel... Coz I have feelings too...
N anyway.. ptg aku go Kaki Kaki for the foot reflex.. still very painful u know... m then aft dat jumpa radea... mkn KFC... aku bilang dia there's also gd news.. Dewi dah dpt a baby girl!!
N aku ingat nk singgah umah epah.. tapi dia senyap je.. So aku pon tk jadi lah...
Wan lage senyap.. buatkan aku marah je.. tapi nasib aku tau yg dia not feeling well...
Kadang2 risau jgk asal dia asyik nt feeling well aje... Haizz...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Today i met wan.. he's actually supposed to work pagi...
But he text me in the morning saying that he actually forgot that dia ada 2 days course...
So now dia dah missed satu n today dia kena balik...
Aku suroh dia balik rupanya dia tk balik... Dia gi main game smp ptg..Aku balik..
N we go to dhoby ghaut... to redeem my so-called prizes.. Luckily... aku dpt lepas.. no need to stay for one & half hr... hehe..
Prize pon bknnya betol.. then we eat bk n went back...
Masa dlm train tu lah.. ada salah faham psl anak dia.. N aku was really sad...
Aku pon tk tau whether worth it or not.. Coz i married him not to become a stepmum...
Dia salah faham.. I dun hav anything against he daughter... N...
I like children.. but not spoilt children...
I just hope that everythg would went well after marriage...
I really dun feel like having a tortured life even after marriage...
If not, why wld ppl get married at all kan?? N typical of him... He would just sleep it off while i keep on crying & thinking abt the matter...
Typical. Very typical...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Aku bgn dgn good mood today....
Coz aku boleh keluar senang.. Uda dah smp!!
Aku pon kejutkan Athirah...
N we play laptop outside... Aman & damai...
Nanti aku nk keluar dgn wan pegi umah makcik dia n umah angah...
Rupanya ingatkan panas hingga ke petang.. rupanya hujan di tgh hari...
Kau imagine lah... Aku dahlah tk mkn breakfast...
N dia mata merah... terus nk hentam aku...
Aku pagi dah tlg sidai kain.. abeh lepas tu dia boleh nk msk dlm bilik suroh aku lage cuci pinggan mangkuk kat tangki!!
Ewah.. ewah... dia yg mkn tadi.. nk suroh aku.. Ingat aku maid dia ke pe...
Dlm byk2 org.. mesti nk suroh aku ke pe.. dia yg lage tua ke pe... apa mesti aku je yg buat??
N knape dia tk boleh buat sendiri ke?? N bila aku hegeh2.. terus dia msk dlm bilik aku lage lah!!!
Dia ckp nanti aku nk buat laz minute... dah nk keluar.. tk buat kerja pape.. yelah... punya peng lah aku... nk attack aku bila org tkda kat dlm bilik!!
Aku mmg sengaja tknak buat.. Coz ikutkan aku nya degil nie.. mmg aku won't/refuse to take orders from her. Sedangkan family aku sendiri aku leh defy tau.. Apa kan lage dia...
N aku sengaja buang sampah kat luar n nangis... pastu msk dlm... maki2 under my breathe...
Such a fucking bitch kan?? Asal ehk dpt makcik mcm gini?
Terus mood aku spoil the whole day.. Tgk Aqueelah pon aku marah...
Abeh pastu kena tgk anak wan lage... Satu image yg susah aku nk telan...
N she doesn't even seems like she like me wearing tudung.
Then bwk anak dia dtg umah angah.. n everybody was saying like dat is my daughter n nk kena ungkit sumer kisah2 lama... Do i look like i care abt kamal n his wife?????????????
Do I Care???????? Dahlah benci aku just to hear abt the names...
Aku pon tk tau lah... Just not my day lah today...
Aku rasa aku dah nearly nk go into depression...
Dapat laki pon yg tk supportive.. N thinks of himself je...
Tk tau dilemma seorang perempuan tu mcm mana... Consider he's lucky lah dpt stress free kahwin dgn aku.. Aku yg sorg kena byk worries...