Saturday, October 3, 2009

I'm so excited today!!
Today first time dpt jalan raya dgn Wan & My friends from school...
So happy.. dpt kenal kan dgn tunang lah katakan...
Coz aku tk jemput dorang pe masa aku tunang...
Then smlm dpt tau yg May nya wedding is today... So terkelam kabut lah aku sikit...
Tapi aku sebenarnya happy dpt escape mak busu.. haha...
So.. pagi mak wan dah pakai kereta nk pegi check up kat poly...
N then aku dah kejut wan.. dia pon naik kereta amek aku...
Aku dah really excited... Sempat beli stepper exercise machine from Ebay.
Org dia hantar kat umah..
Then bila wan dah smp.. Aku ingat nk suroh dia singgah.. tapi psl dah lambat.. so tk payah lah...
Terus isi minyak n go to Simei nya wedding...
From there terus pegi umah fifi at Pasir Ris.. N as usual... comments2 yg aku tknak dgr...
Tapi tkpelah.. Major mistake.. aku terbiarkan wan sorang kat luar... Lupa lak yg dia first time...
Then terus proceed to next house... Abeh bila dh ptg, dah pening kepala pulak.. Benci aku kalau dah pening smp gitu... Then terus by the time nk smp umah kiya je... Aku dah tk tahan.. n aku dgn wan pon terpaksa balik... Tk continue...
Tapi kita bkn balik terus.. Cuma rest jap, beli teh tarik n then singgah umah parents dia pulak.
Baru terus gi umah abah. Balik nearly after midnight.... So tired....
Tgh tunggu uda & athirah dtg je...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I think my life is very difficult now...
I think I could not FOCUS... In times like dis, I wish I had a mum... A perfect family...
But dats not gonna happened...
I really hate the bitches in my life.. Since aku secondary sch.. mesti je ada org nk target aku.. Start from Ustzh Yati to Christine Pizza Hut and Mak Busu..
N as kat tempat kerja.. Aku tk tau who is more bitcher... Joanna or Sharon..
Aku tk sangka aft all these sufferings.. comes a person more viscious that anyone that I've ever met!
Which is Mak Busu... Aku tk sangka........ N she's consider an Aunt!!
What the helll....
I really2 need a house right now.. Desperately seeking...
I hope Tuhan bukakkan aku pintu rezeki seluas-luasnya... Aku tknak forever hidup dlm keadaan sebegini.. Like ppl think that I owe them..
Padahal its not my fault that my fate is like dis!!!
So I have to change my fate...
Aku seboleh bolehnya tknk menumpang kat rumah sesiapa lage...
Its juz my luck dat I got such an un-supportive spouse...
Not a word of kindness or comfort from him........
Now i've realized that I could not depend on him.
In fact, he's the one depending on me... I dunno whether this is called LOVE?
Or is it something else? I'm tired to see that Wan tk pernah usaha utk apa yg dia nak....
I think he is used to ppl giving him wat he wants...
Now my family kind of dun like him.. Coz dia tk pernah nk amek hati family aku...
Now....... what shall I do?
Wan tk pernah rasa apa yg aku rasa selama nie...
Dia mana pernah ada kesusahan.. Cuma ex wife dia je yg buatkan kesusahan dlm hidup dia... Maybe ada hikmah jgk.. Kalau tk, dia tkkan pernah wakes up...
Aku still sayang dia sama.. Cuma maybe.. Ada yg lain...
Aku hope.. Kita kuat utk hadapi ini semua...
Our 2nd year anniversary is also coming... I wonder whether it will make us closer or further away.. Skrg pon dah rasa jauh... coz jarang bebual n jumpa anymore...