Saturday, April 11, 2009

Today is saturday...
And the 2nd day of holiday...
And I was thinking of going out with him...
And mmg hari tu dia dah janji aku... Bila dlm taxi...
So.. dhlah smlm dia tk kol or msg... so aku mmg mendak kat dlm rumah...
And then hari nie.. aku mmg tk kacau dia pagi coz aku tau dia balik kerja mlm and he needs to sleep... Aku ingat aku nk pegi far east dulu je anuh kaki aku...
Then aft that bila dia dh bgn n siap, he cld just meet me at far east...
But at least ard 2.20 pm dia dh bgn... quite early.. so aku ckp dgn dia juz siap jelah...
then meet aku kat far east... Then aku kol2 tk angkat... aku mcm dh suspect sumthg...
But then betol lah sangkaan aku.. rupanya dia tido smp kul 4+!!
What the hell... Aku adalah dh patah balik umah tadi amek cincin to wear for him...
Then my long holidays this weekend will be wasted je tk keluar... Haizz.. Dissapointed lah!!!
Dats why aku dh ternangis tadi dlm train... Buat malu je...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Today.. wan's mother bekalkan makanan utk balas balik tepen yg kita kasi dia masa hari tunang... Mak dia kasi lopes and epok2...
Then mak dia pon belikan aku present...
Kain ela utk jahit jadi baju... And its like so nice and so pretty...
I'm so touched!!
I've nvr wore or bought anythg so beautiful before...
Not in my 22 years and 10 months of living in this world..
Its like i'm so touched... Thk you so much mum-in-law...
Then aku kol mak dia to say thk you...
And then mak dia ckp she bought a pink kain for Wan jgk...
So that we both cld be a matching couple... Time hari raya...

Wow... his mum is so considerate...
But his mum told me he dun wanna wear.. And I was quite upset by it...
Coz even though he doesn't like pink... but his mum dah beli kan...
But at last when i msg him, dia ckp dia will wear it...
Since dah beli.. Hehe...
Tk sabar to see us wearing it... Its like the perfect couple!!