Monday, March 30, 2009

Alhamdulillah... I'm so happy...
Everything went on so smoothly...
Now... I'm officially Ridzwan's fiancee...
That's an honourable title!!

I'm so glad that we have make it to this stage...
Its very great feeling...
Now is the new beginning for us...
And we have a path to create...
We must thread & plan it carefully...
Next year I will be 24 and he will be 35.

I can't believe that Wan's dad is so nice...
He still wants to sponsor a bit of money for our wedding.
It will ease the burden of our wedding a lot...
He even wants to give Wan the downpayment for his car.
Even though he's not so nice to Wan dulu...
But it proves that he still have a heart and loves his son...
I'm glad that he will be my father in law.
Wan's mum is also nice to me.

Thk God for everythg that he had given me.
I hope that I could be a gd servant to you.
A good wife, a good mother, a gd daughter in law, a gd grand daughter, a gd sister/in-law, a gd employee... everything...