Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hi Blog,

Today is the last day of 2009...
Sorry that I didn't blog much lately...
Been a very busy year.
I have to finalise my berkats.. Room decor yg susah sgt nk dpt...
After so many, at last settle on teacup and saucers..
And then skali tkda box pulak..And box is like extra 50 cents...
Abeh bila dah decide nak, abeh tkleh dpt pulak... confusion...
Sorry.. I've got no mood to write today.. I'm sick and alone on new years eve!!
So.. Happy New Year 2010!!
Its the year of my wedding too...5 more mths to go... :)
Hope that the new year wld bring more happiness, more gd health, more blessings, more wealth for me... :)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hi Blog,

As expected, I felt sick today.. And took MC.
Mr Henry was not happy with me and make me a bit difficult.. :(
And then Cynthia took half day coz of her eyes...
I guess Mr Henry wld not be happy... I must boost up in Jan for my bonus... :)
Btw, next two days wld be a new year.. And its 2010!
Wheww.. time flew so fast... Guess for this year.. I hate to make new resolutions...
Coz my losing weight had been on the list for a few years already.. LOL!!
But I guess, I had to curb some of my bad habits such as being late for work and taking cabs.. Dats extremely bad work ethics man!!
And try to lose some weight for the wedding...
Of course, in 2010, I wanted to be a great wife too.. LOL!!
Hmmm.. The rest is as per normal I guess...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Although loneliness had always been a friend of mine...
I'm leaving my life in your hands...
People say I'm crazy and that I am blind...
Risking it all in a glance...
And how you got me blind is still a mystery...
I can't get you out of my head...
Don't care what is written in your history...
As long as you're here with me...

I don't care who you are...
Where you're from, what you did.. as long as you love me...

Every little thing that you have said and done...
Feels like its deep within me...
Doesn't really matter if you're on the run...
It seems like we're meant to be.....

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Today I had my first experience attending a wedding chinese reception at Amara Hotel...
For Uncle Leong's son... Hmm... its very enriching and romantic...
But very expensive... Terkopak duit... First2 nk kasi less.. Abeh takut malu...
But overall, its quite nice... compare to mly wedding, the atmosphere is diff...
Dunno what to expect at my wedding next year...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dear blog...
I'm getting busier and lazier to update now...
And guess what??
Its already 6 more mths to go... And I have not diet...
And i'm getting scared... I have booked most of the necessary thgs already...
Left with the small2 thgs such as berkats and cards...
Life is wan is really unpredictable and he's very lazy... sometimes cld make me mad...
I've started class.. and seems like I'm not cut to do accts...?
Feels like quitting.. padahal dah malas coz the wedding is keeping me busy...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Today I had a big scare... And Wan kat hospital...
I thought its somethg serious.. but turns out he's only depressed...
I've always known that he got this anxiety problem...
I just don't know how bad it is... Turns out that i'm right...
I really hate it when he's admitted to hospital.. coz I dun want him to think abt his ex wife being a nurse... Esp in NUH or TTSH... Hate it a lot...
Once I hate a person, I wld hate them forever...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hari nie aku dapat bebual lama dgn mak wan...
Psl hantaran and wedding...
And... aku sedih knape even mak dia pon tk think so highly of him?
And especially in his ex wife case... Wan tk portray kan yg he's in the right...
So happy lah pompuan tu...
aku kesian jgklah dgn nasib tunang aku... Aku just hope that aft this, he wld just follow what I do, and insyallah.. his life wld be better... Our lives wld be better...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm so stressed right now...
Mana nk fikir psl rumah, psl diri sendiri, psl wedding...
Psl duit... n now... he max out his credit card again!!!!
Mintak maaf but the damage is done.. Now i have to sort out his pay too...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dear blog...
Life is full of mystery u know...
And today.. I had a shock of my life...
U know who i met today? Its HANIS.
Yeah.. my god daughter... and she's a big girl now...
It all started this morning.. when this sarifie guy came...
I saw him brought someone... But I did not looked up..
Coz I actually do not want to look at him... Coz of the past..
what he did... I heard sharon asked him "u bring ur daughter uh?"
First time nampak dia bwk.. n then after that he asked her to salam aku...
Bila aku angkat muka.. I had a shocked... Its like a dream...
How could she be in front of me??? N this is her dad???
Aku tergamam.. n aku try to ask her nama dia lage.. N its the same name...
N aku then ckp nie ur daughter? Then he said YES!!! Oh my god...
After that dia pon balik.. N then aku was in daze.. aku blom puas tgk hanis n nk tanya khabar dia.. So in split decision n kejar dia... Nasib dpt jumpa dia kat bwh...
N then bebual2 sikit.. I was so happy.. But fie... dia spoilt aku nya happiness...
So stuck up like he thought I wanted to take his daughter away..
N then knape dulu tk jaga btol2??? N i know his daughter way before I know him...
N after I broke up... when i search for hanis.. And all the while bpk dia is just beside me.... What a twisted thg kan??
Isshhh.. geram sey aku... geram... Tapi tkpe... janji dpt jumpa dia jap... N then balik pulak terjumpa kwn ite lama.. hopefully lah no more suprises lage..

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dear blog...
Today I took leave for my fiancee's birthday...
Aku mmg maseh marah towards him... Tapi biasalah...
Marah2 sayang... N skali aku lupa yg pagi aku ada counselling service...
Hehe.. Tk sangka betol yg aku pegi counselling...
The counsellor is nice and handsome... Faham akan masalah aku..
N wan pulak tk percaya.. Masa baru2 jumpa of course lah maseh ada tension but the whole day was very fun.. And we love each other so much...
There is no turning back now... Gd news yg the HDB had approved our appeal and we got our HLE today... Yahoo..!!!
Now hopefully we got our flat pulak!!! Amin.... Amin....
Please... please... we really really need a flat... Amin...

Monday, October 26, 2009

My fiancee is very cruel... He doesn't care about me anymore.
I don't even know if he really loves me or not...
He makes me feel sad & cry everyday..
He does not appreciate all the thgs that I had done for him.
And he does not want to reply to my messages. And he did not wanna call me.
He is so rude that he did not even say thk you for the birthday gift that I picked.
He is like a completely diff person than the one that I love.
Wats the point in living anyway? I might as well just die tomorrow.

Friday, October 23, 2009

I am really sad & dissapointed today... Coz of him.
I was actually kind of good mood today and I look forward to see him later and to pass him the present.. But everything went downhill when he didn't call me.
And I had to find him instead to hear a bad news!!! Called his office and his home.

Okay fine... I know that he's probably sick n on mc... But why can't he just call me?
Why must wait for me to call him?
He could just called me after he called his workplace or something... N I dun even know whether he's really sick or not... He seems fine yesterday...
Dunno he's lying thru his teeth or not.. even just to pass the thg also he did not want.
N he got the cheek to ask me to go there to his house!! Is it delivery service or wat? Slalu aje asyik nk kena dtg umah dia!! Makes me so mad.. Feels like throwing away his present!! N I had to leave it in the office..
All my efforts are wasted.. N i really felt like taking a cab home n just go to sleep!! Instead i spend my last few penny at Causeway Point!!! Dat calms me down a little.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Today I had some free time so I decided to search for my fiancee's present...
I was actually in a lazy mood to shop.. but i felt like eating the cold storage chicken n my feet brought me to Metro... Actually my initial plan was to buy him a key chain with the letter R. I bought it for someone a few yrs back.. n i really like it coz it has some description on it too. But i juz thought that it may be too small.. So i started to try n see what is the belt price (the ones that he likes).
But it turns out to be quite expensive, for a belt.. N i'm really not too sure which one that he likes... So I source out other thgs.. N i remember what he told me abt his beg..
N then I found a few perfect one.. I'm really scared that he won't likes it.. So i tried to choose somethg similar to the ones that he usually used. The beg is not cheap... So I hope that I make the right choice. And after it was wrapped, i turns out to be so big.. Bigger than the original planned key chain which I could hide in my room. The keychain, btw, is no longer there... So dissapointed.
And then I decided to meet him tomorrow to passed him as an advance present... But to be opened on his birthday instead. Actually he left his hp at work.. So, when he called me, I told him that kalau dah confirm, cannot cancel coz the thg is quite big and I dun want to bring it back n forth... He said okay n promised me not to OT...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Today is our 2nd year anniversary!!
I'm so happy today.. Coz 2 yrs is a really big deal to me...
We had gone thru ups and downs so much...
And I'm happy that we could make it thru.. We did not get each other a present...
Coz both had little money.. and i thot i should get him something for his birthday..
We didn't do anything much today.. except for maybe choose a dressing table for the wedding.. Coz my mood was spoilt coz he commented on my stomach n abt hari raya..
but actually coz i was feeling bloated already... n the pain had already started for my menses.. which is due today.. but so far nothing comes out...
Not such a great day for anniversary... But its okay...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

And then after the great outing...
He ignored me for three days.. because he only work n sleep...
which makes me mad... because we got no time to talk at all...
And I got something urgent to talk... N he sleeps!!
What make it worst is that when aku skola... and aku ckp dgn dia jgn tido dulu n then he sleeps.. So, on thursday.. he makes ammend n ckp nanti balik kerja dia jumpa aku...
So mood aku pon dah okay balik.... Skali guess what? Tgh aku semangat2... Terus nak jumpa dia at kedai kopi bukit gombak... And then dia alih2 ckp yg kwn dia fairuz tu ada...
Aku pon a bit peng.. Coz aku nk bebual dgn dia.. but dia ckp kwn dia dah kat situ from 5+ so aku thot bdk tu dah nk balik.. So aku lambat2 sikit.. Skali smp aku tgk mcm tgh rancak bebual.. And no chance at all to balik... Haizz.. Nasib.. Nasib... Aku mcm marah tau... Nasib Fairuz nie okay jgk... Tapi dia mcm suka bebual n tknak balik... sambung nya sambung smp kul 9+ and nasib bergerak jgk.. N then wan nk marah aku coz balik nk naik cab!! Padahal aku sebenarnya nk bebual dgn dia.... n then baru aku dpt tau yg dia sebenarnya ada pegi sumwhere... mcm tipu aku gitu coz tk bilang.. nampak sah dah muka guilty.. Boring!!!
Kalau nk kata,, aku mmg the most faithful gf yg ada.. So mmg no prob at all utk sape2 yg stead dgn aku.... Then balik ingat nk bebual kat tepon.. n aku ckp jgn tido.. but dia tido lage!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Today.. I had a very happy day...
I already do most of the cleaning yesterday.. n go pasar.. n today, i wanted to go out with Wan.... Tapi ada masalah since Radea ajak aku teman kan dia go dat high tea.. But I can't coz its exactly tgh2 n Wan pulak kerja mlm... And aku really nk spend a peaceful time dgn Wan... but was kind of dissapointing when what you get is a guy playing with the ipod. That is not my fiancee... And we watch the sorority row movie which is not that thrilling at all...
But after dat, when we got to another place... things changed and i know that we both had missed each other much... :)
And our pizza did not came. :(
But today is overall a great day and i went back happy...

Friday, October 9, 2009

I know that its kind of bad... But today gotta be one of my relief n happiest day...
They are going back to Dubai!!!
I really2 feel that I've been gone thru so much these past one month....
N this is the finally comes...
I feel so bad... As a human, I do make mistakes... I'm sorry aqueelah... I wanted to treat u nice... the same as all my siblings n cousins...
But... its very very difficult... I hope that when u're older, u wld understand whats going on between me n ur mum... I will make amends for it...
Same goes to nieshah... coz afterall... i'm still a normal human being.. I can't afford to be nice to ppl all the time.. I'm nt an angel... Coz I have feelings too...
N anyway.. ptg aku go Kaki Kaki for the foot reflex.. still very painful u know... m then aft dat jumpa radea... mkn KFC... aku bilang dia there's also gd news.. Dewi dah dpt a baby girl!!
N aku ingat nk singgah umah epah.. tapi dia senyap je.. So aku pon tk jadi lah...
Wan lage senyap.. buatkan aku marah je.. tapi nasib aku tau yg dia not feeling well...
Kadang2 risau jgk asal dia asyik nt feeling well aje... Haizz...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Today i met wan.. he's actually supposed to work pagi...
But he text me in the morning saying that he actually forgot that dia ada 2 days course...
So now dia dah missed satu n today dia kena balik...
Aku suroh dia balik rupanya dia tk balik... Dia gi main game smp ptg..Aku balik..
N we go to dhoby ghaut... to redeem my so-called prizes.. Luckily... aku dpt lepas.. no need to stay for one & half hr... hehe..
Prize pon bknnya betol.. then we eat bk n went back...
Masa dlm train tu lah.. ada salah faham psl anak dia.. N aku was really sad...
Aku pon tk tau whether worth it or not.. Coz i married him not to become a stepmum...
Dia salah faham.. I dun hav anything against he daughter... N...
I like children.. but not spoilt children...
I just hope that everythg would went well after marriage...
I really dun feel like having a tortured life even after marriage...
If not, why wld ppl get married at all kan?? N typical of him... He would just sleep it off while i keep on crying & thinking abt the matter...
Typical. Very typical...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Aku bgn dgn good mood today....
Coz aku boleh keluar senang.. Uda dah smp!!
Aku pon kejutkan Athirah...
N we play laptop outside... Aman & damai...
Nanti aku nk keluar dgn wan pegi umah makcik dia n umah angah...
Rupanya ingatkan panas hingga ke petang.. rupanya hujan di tgh hari...
Kau imagine lah... Aku dahlah tk mkn breakfast...
N dia mata merah... terus nk hentam aku...
Aku pagi dah tlg sidai kain.. abeh lepas tu dia boleh nk msk dlm bilik suroh aku lage cuci pinggan mangkuk kat tangki!!
Ewah.. ewah... dia yg mkn tadi.. nk suroh aku.. Ingat aku maid dia ke pe...
Dlm byk2 org.. mesti nk suroh aku ke pe.. dia yg lage tua ke pe... apa mesti aku je yg buat??
N knape dia tk boleh buat sendiri ke?? N bila aku hegeh2.. terus dia msk dlm bilik aku lage lah!!!
Dia ckp nanti aku nk buat laz minute... dah nk keluar.. tk buat kerja pape.. yelah... punya peng lah aku... nk attack aku bila org tkda kat dlm bilik!!
Aku mmg sengaja tknak buat.. Coz ikutkan aku nya degil nie.. mmg aku won't/refuse to take orders from her. Sedangkan family aku sendiri aku leh defy tau.. Apa kan lage dia...
N aku sengaja buang sampah kat luar n nangis... pastu msk dlm... maki2 under my breathe...
Such a fucking bitch kan?? Asal ehk dpt makcik mcm gini?
Terus mood aku spoil the whole day.. Tgk Aqueelah pon aku marah...
Abeh pastu kena tgk anak wan lage... Satu image yg susah aku nk telan...
N she doesn't even seems like she like me wearing tudung.
Then bwk anak dia dtg umah angah.. n everybody was saying like dat is my daughter n nk kena ungkit sumer kisah2 lama... Do i look like i care abt kamal n his wife?????????????
Do I Care???????? Dahlah benci aku just to hear abt the names...
Aku pon tk tau lah... Just not my day lah today...
Aku rasa aku dah nearly nk go into depression...
Dapat laki pon yg tk supportive.. N thinks of himself je...
Tk tau dilemma seorang perempuan tu mcm mana... Consider he's lucky lah dpt stress free kahwin dgn aku.. Aku yg sorg kena byk worries...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I'm so excited today!!
Today first time dpt jalan raya dgn Wan & My friends from school...
So happy.. dpt kenal kan dgn tunang lah katakan...
Coz aku tk jemput dorang pe masa aku tunang...
Then smlm dpt tau yg May nya wedding is today... So terkelam kabut lah aku sikit...
Tapi aku sebenarnya happy dpt escape mak busu.. haha...
So.. pagi mak wan dah pakai kereta nk pegi check up kat poly...
N then aku dah kejut wan.. dia pon naik kereta amek aku...
Aku dah really excited... Sempat beli stepper exercise machine from Ebay.
Org dia hantar kat umah..
Then bila wan dah smp.. Aku ingat nk suroh dia singgah.. tapi psl dah lambat.. so tk payah lah...
Terus isi minyak n go to Simei nya wedding...
From there terus pegi umah fifi at Pasir Ris.. N as usual... comments2 yg aku tknak dgr...
Tapi tkpelah.. Major mistake.. aku terbiarkan wan sorang kat luar... Lupa lak yg dia first time...
Then terus proceed to next house... Abeh bila dh ptg, dah pening kepala pulak.. Benci aku kalau dah pening smp gitu... Then terus by the time nk smp umah kiya je... Aku dah tk tahan.. n aku dgn wan pon terpaksa balik... Tk continue...
Tapi kita bkn balik terus.. Cuma rest jap, beli teh tarik n then singgah umah parents dia pulak.
Baru terus gi umah abah. Balik nearly after midnight.... So tired....
Tgh tunggu uda & athirah dtg je...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I think my life is very difficult now...
I think I could not FOCUS... In times like dis, I wish I had a mum... A perfect family...
But dats not gonna happened...
I really hate the bitches in my life.. Since aku secondary sch.. mesti je ada org nk target aku.. Start from Ustzh Yati to Christine Pizza Hut and Mak Busu..
N as kat tempat kerja.. Aku tk tau who is more bitcher... Joanna or Sharon..
Aku tk sangka aft all these sufferings.. comes a person more viscious that anyone that I've ever met!
Which is Mak Busu... Aku tk sangka........ N she's consider an Aunt!!
What the helll....
I really2 need a house right now.. Desperately seeking...
I hope Tuhan bukakkan aku pintu rezeki seluas-luasnya... Aku tknak forever hidup dlm keadaan sebegini.. Like ppl think that I owe them..
Padahal its not my fault that my fate is like dis!!!
So I have to change my fate...
Aku seboleh bolehnya tknk menumpang kat rumah sesiapa lage...
Its juz my luck dat I got such an un-supportive spouse...
Not a word of kindness or comfort from him........
Now i've realized that I could not depend on him.
In fact, he's the one depending on me... I dunno whether this is called LOVE?
Or is it something else? I'm tired to see that Wan tk pernah usaha utk apa yg dia nak....
I think he is used to ppl giving him wat he wants...
Now my family kind of dun like him.. Coz dia tk pernah nk amek hati family aku...
Now....... what shall I do?
Wan tk pernah rasa apa yg aku rasa selama nie...
Dia mana pernah ada kesusahan.. Cuma ex wife dia je yg buatkan kesusahan dlm hidup dia... Maybe ada hikmah jgk.. Kalau tk, dia tkkan pernah wakes up...
Aku still sayang dia sama.. Cuma maybe.. Ada yg lain...
Aku hope.. Kita kuat utk hadapi ini semua...
Our 2nd year anniversary is also coming... I wonder whether it will make us closer or further away.. Skrg pon dah rasa jauh... coz jarang bebual n jumpa anymore...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Today is second day raya.. Pagi2 je dah ada problem lage!! Nasib baik lah dorang nk keluar beraya...
Haizzz.. Nasib.. Nasib... I reaallly hate to be in this kind of situation!! Niari ada byk org dtg jgk...
So at least okay sikit.. Bsk dah kerja..Yay.. Yay..! First time aku tk sabar nk dtg balik kerja!! Wan tk dtg umah aku.. so nenek asyik bising je.. Haizz....

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Aku dah agak dah yg aku akan sakit hati pada ptg raya...
Everythg is dissapointing since i'm alone at home and that bitch is alwayz attacking me!!! I really2 hate it!!!
Perangai mmg tk berubah2 walaupon umur dah tua n anak dah nk msk dua!!
N she is born to be bossy and she is teaching her daughter to be the same!!
It will go on for generations and generations...
First day raya.. mmg dah ada lots of problems... I am so unhappy!!
I wish that I'm married n could be with Wan.. But Wan is so dissapointing too..
Tk wish aku pon Selamat Hari Raya...
Then I got a flu n I slept while nek uda & family dtg... Haizzz....
Uda & family pon tkda.. It's so boring!!!
The whole day is like a disaster and I did not enjoy it a bit... Nasiblah aku tk amek pape leave this year..
Alhamdullillah... Dpt jgk aku sambut hari raya today...
N dpt jgk aku kasi mak wan kueh seperti yg dijanjikan... This is the hari raya thet aku sambut as wan's fiancee... Hopefully everythg wld went well today... & seterusnya...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Life was hectic these past few days from last week...
Took a lot leave utk buat kueh...
Initially I do not enjoy this coz mak busu balik early from Dubai...
Gosh... buat kueh lage... Aqueelah kacau...
Perangai mmg tk berubah walaupon anak dah nk msk dua...
Still so bossy & infuriating... Aku mmg nk lari umah angah...
Tapi tk sempat dia dah balik siang...
N aku rasa.. dia mmg tk suka kita tgl situ.. haha..
Kau tunggu jelah nxt yr aku beli umah... Tk payah nk bother sumer org lage!!

Monday.. very hectic.. nk abiskan kerja before aku leave... colleagues sumer mcm sial... Dah tau aku puasa n all.. Tapi kasi aku stress... Aku wonder knape ehk aku yg mcm byk buat kerja kat company tu?? Benci.. Esp Sharon and 2nd Joanna.. psl dia kuncu Sharon.

Alhamdullilah.. kueh berjaya siap on time.. sumer dah collect...
Tapi untung tk memadai... On wed dpt pegi geylang.. beli langsir utk bridal room..
Cantik! Now tgl tunggu beli cadar je...
On thurs morning, wan amek aku from work........ so nice of my dear...
Love you... Kdg2 boleh buat aku marah bila malas... tapi i knw dat in watever he do, he will think of me... Then balik nk kena hantar cake to Sharmila (leceh!) and buka seoul garden dgn limah & syimah...
Now tgl masak juadah utk hari raya.. Nasib tk penat sgt.. malas tau kalau org buat kerja n tk tau nk kemas sendiri... boring!! Umur dah lanjut...
N pls jgn nk suroh2 aku... I'm not your maid okay!! Malas nk layan org2 mcm gini...
I think I hate Mak busu tu same like I hate Sharon.
When they are ard, there is some kind of a heavy feeling in my heart.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Today... I got to buka with wan at Swensens.. Skali terjumpa mak andam aku pulak kat situ... Kak Juls...
Then aku pegi beli brg utk bwk to wan's mum... Kesian aku tgk cik terbaring je at sofa...
Aku belikan dia pati ikan haruan n she drank it... ckp terima kasih kat aku...
Makcik & Pakcik is a sweet couple lah.. Cuma kesian anak2 tk brape rapat sgt dgn dorg...
Except for maybe Jamil...
Bpk dia pon ckp dgn aku psl dia nk kasi wan S$10K utk beli kereta...
Aku mmg lah rasa okay.. tapi aku rasa sayang... Kan lebih baik duit S$10K tu buat utk duit kita kahwin... Yg tk tau entah cukup ke tak...
My fiancee's feeling? Juz say that maybe his feelings is void... Kdg2 tk faham lah...
Maybe dia ada some past issues with them...
Hopefully bila dia dah lama2 dgn aku.. his feelings wld be more... nt towards me aje but towards his parents...
Of course I love my fiancee very much no matter what happens...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I had fun yesterday... After the GST seminar is a bit hectic...
Nak terkejar2 ke sana & ke mari... First go bank, n then go admiralty bank...
Then go to sinderella shoes...
Then got to go Kaki Kaki for foot reflex... Its damn painful... my left feet..
Stress sey... Then aku mit Radea.. Arnold dah full...
But the last part was fun.. Dpt jgk mkn Arnolds!! Woohoohoo....
So yummy!! Why ehk?
At last balik nearly kul 11 pm...
Hopefully dis sat dpt keluar dgn wan lage best & meaningful...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Remember those walls I built...

Well, baby they're tumbling down...
And they didn't even put up a fight!
They didn't even make up a sound...
I found a way to let you in...
But I never really had a doubt.

Standing in the light of your halo...
I got my angel now!
It's like I've been awakened...
Every rule I had you breakin'...
It's the risk that I'm takin'...
I ain't never gonna shut you out!

Everywhere I'm looking now...
I'm surrounded by your embrace...
Baby I can see your halo...
You know you're my saving grace...

You're everything I need and more...

It's written all over your face...
Baby I can feel your halo... Pray it won't fade away!

I can feel your halo halo halo... I can see your halo halo halo... I can feel your halo halo... halo... I can see your halo halo halo...

Hit me like a ray of sun.. Burning through my darkest night...
You're the only one that I want...
Think I'm addicted to your light...
I swore I'd never fall again...

But this don't even feel like falling...
Gravity can't forget... To pull me back to the ground again...

Feels like I've been awakened...
Every rule I had you breakin'...
The risk that I'm takin'...
I'm never gonna shut you out

Everywhere I'm looking now...
I'm surrounded by your embrace...

Baby I can see your halo...
You know you're my saving grace!!
You're everything I need and more...
It's written all over your face...
Baby I can feel your halo...
Pray it won't fade away...

I can feel your halo halo halo...
I can see your halo halo halo...
I can feel your halo halo halo...
I can see your halo halo...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just four simple words from him.. And it can really make my day... :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I did not manage to go the car lucky draw today... Its so sad... I really really want that car.. to the point of desperation.
I want the extra money.. I need to buy a house... Ouh my...
Its really sad... We do not have enough money... I just need a little bit of money...
Pls God help us... We need to start a new life...
Please give us a chance to start a new life... to build a family...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My stomach still hurts a bit today...
N today is the first day of my cost accounting class.
I hope the teacher is much more better than Mr Bala.
N it seems that he's better... His teachings are much more clearer...
This week I got 3 days class... wow!! Nie blom puasa lage...
For next week... I got 4 days of class...!!!
Tired lah.. dis is all Mr Bala.. he postpone class so many times...
N drag it till the fasting month...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Today I'm feeling more emotional...
Coz my stomach hurts very badly and my body is aching...
I miss him so much... I wish he was here with me...
I hope that 6th June would come very fast and I do not need to endure this much longer...
I love him so much that it hurts me not to be with him everyday...
I was juz thinking this morning how fun it is to be a housewife and we could shop/go market together and we could cook together...
Makes me smile thinking of it...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Today i went out with my fiancee...
After I went to book the cake for our wedding...
Also I was feeling very weak today but I still want to spend time wif him...
Haizzz... I felt so sad when I drop him off at Wdls MRT...
Kau after aku dah salam dia, he do not wanna let go of my hand.
Maybe coz I couldn't bear to part with him... Dats what happens when u love a person too much... So I thot even if I would die tomorrow, I would still be thankful that I had find my soulmate although I would be happier if I could die as his wife.
Then we could even be together in heavens... amin...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Haizzz... Its friday today yet i'm super busy at work...
And I OT at work till 8 pm... nasib dpt naik cab... And I can claim...
Dahlah kepala pening nk muntah coz haven't eat anythg since morning...
Hope my boss will see that i'm the most hardworking of all...

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hi blog....

I think that I always forget you when i'm busy...
I am now thinking abt our house... and also room decor and wedding cake...
Life is pretty busy with this accounts course...
Its making me headache...
Today I went out with him... Happy... Spend time wif him he can release stress...
Go gym (contour express) before meeting him.. Nearby his hse aje...
Aku pelik lah... When did I gain so much weight?!
But very expensive lah... I dun think Wan kasi aku sign up... Haizzz....
Mcm mana nie aku nk lose weight in 6 months?
God pls help me.. Most method doesn't works... Help me lose at least 15 kg... Amin...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hi blog... I think I always forget you coz i'm happy nowadays... and I'm super2 busy... with accts class n all... But... I wonder why my nenek likes to membebel? Kdg2 stress...
Maybe nowadays young ppl likes to take thgs more easy.. Coz this world is already so stressful... And she likes to stress on most things... Haizz... Must take it lor...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I turn my head to the east...
I don't see nobody by my side...
I turn my head to the west...
Still nobody in sight...
So I turn my head to the North...
Swallow that pill that they call pride...
The old me is dead & gone..
But the new me will be all right.

Oh hey.. I've been travelling on this road too long....
Just trying to find my way back home...
But the old me is dead & gone... Dead & Gone...

*You would know that no matter what.. you only have yourself to depend on n your spouse (provided you must find someone who's really gonna be dere for you..)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wow.. I'm so happy today...
Just now go out with my fiancee...
Marah pon dah hilang psl dah jumpa...
Then ketawa2... joke around.. kesian dia tk cukup tido...
Then we go eat and watch movie... Obsessed...
then check weight with Jane.. what the fuck.. seems like so fat...
Bored.. tapi still can eat nasi beriyani & ice cream!
What the hell... Haha...
Happy & I miss him a lot...
Maybe dis is what love feels like huh??
Everytime he still looks so cute to me no matter hw tired or busuk or dishevelled or tk terurus he is...
Dats my baby... :)

Another 2 more months n it will be our 2 yrs anniversary... Huhu...

Friday, July 17, 2009

My fiancee is not a bad person...
But he dunno how to amek hati wanita..
I guess its good that he's not a ladies man...
But it makes me depressed. N sad.
Tapi smlm aku really malu dgn remy..
Psl otak aku serabut jadi mcm gitu.... Malu tau!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My fiancee is a very cruel person...
He does not love me anymore. He doesn't seems happy to hear my voice.
Just now I called him and he does not even talks.
He likes to sleep and he does not even care anymore...
He does not know hw to make a girl happy.
I kept thinking all these words when i put down the fone with him.
And suddenly.. at home... I got to know that I lost my hp.
Now my fiancee makes me lost my hp. And Remy have to clear up the mess for me and fetch the hp for me.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Its difficult to have a fiancee like this.
Always making me unhappy.
What kind of life is this anyway?
Is this the kind of life that he wants?
Sometimes u will question the meaning of love... with a person who always seems like he doesn't care at all. In his everyday life dia cuma buat:
1) Tido
2) Smoke
3) Mkn (sekali sekala aje)
4) Kerja inc. OT
5) Minum coke
6) Sex
7) Watch porn/gore
8) bebual dgn aku sekali sekala
9) watch movie dat he likes
10) Jln sorg2
11) Play IPOD when he's nt doing all the thgs above.
Mcm tkda benda tk berfaedah kan?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I think its a chance meeting.
Its definitely fate. When he came to take the perfume, Remy seems to get along well with my grandma, uncle and auntie.
N how did he suddenly became my dad's colleague.
Suddenly, he knows everyone in my family. Dat is kind of scary.
N he is really kind... he helps me sell the perfume too.
Brought me to a clinic and hear abt my problems... n he told me he could bring me to JB and even to the kubur coz he alwayz visits his father's grave and I could visit my mum n my grandpa.
He seems kind of sumthg... coz he didn't get to know me earlier.. before i became someone else fiancee...
But... my heart only belongs to one and nothing cld change that...(even though he's nt as gd as the others).
If he is okay, I will let him get to know my sister.

Friday, June 26, 2009

On Monday....
I celebrated my 23rd birthday wif my fiancee...
It does nt went off to a gd start... N we met our videoman first...
But after that... it went okay... we bonded over the day... N makes us closer...
It was great... He's such a sweet guy...
Ada satu part nie... I think he kinda cried when he told me that he dunno what he wld do without me.. and dat he's afraid of losing me... Aww... dat literally melts my heart...
N aft dat, almost everyday he fetch me either to work or from work... :)
Everyday is almost filled with laughter...
Only on thursday did sumthg worst nearly happened... N i swear, i wld try not to make him rent a car again... coz its partly my fault... N i'm worried sick abt him...
N i hope that it won't happened again!!!
Now i'm thinking of money again... N where to get more money...
Oh!! I'm such a money minded freak!!
But what to do.. nowadays... everythg needs money....

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy 23rd birthday to me!!
This is the year I celebrated as a fiancee...
So happy... :) :)
Coz I love him so much...
Next year... I will celebrate it as his wife pulak...
Tk sabar nya...
Hopefully I could have a happy and blissful live ever after...
Full of happiness and achivements and blessings...

Friday, June 19, 2009


1) 21st June: My 23rd Birthday!!
2) 22nd June: Spend time & relax
3) 23rd June: Accounting course
4) 28th June: Volunteer work
5) 1st July: GST Credit & Pay
6) 1st wk of July: Meet up with Friends/facial
7) 15th Aug: Take baju frm tailor @ JB
8) Middle of Aug: Book bridal spa package
9) 22nd Aug: Start of fasting
10) 20th Sept: Hari Raya Aidilfitri
11) 27th Oct: My dear birthday!!!
12) Hari Raya Haji, and all year end holidays...
13) 6th Dec: Book MPH/take up driving license...
14) Dec/Jan: Buy hantaran dulang
15) End of Jan '10: Another payrise!!
16) Feb '10: Studio photoshoot/selection of clothes
17) March '10: Berkat and wedding cards and finishing my accounts course... Insyallah!!!
18) Early June '10: Final fittings, facial n spa...
19) 6th of June 2010: My fairytale wedding!!!!
20) 7th of June: Off for honeymoon...
21) 21st June: My 24th Birthday as a wife!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I never needed you to be strong...
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs....
I never needed pain, I never needed strength...
My love for you was strong enough you should have known...

I never needed you for judgements...
I never needed you to question what I spent....
I never ask for help, I take care of myself...
I don't know why you think you've got a hold on me...

And its a little late for conversations...
There isn't anything for you to say...
And my eye's hurt, my hand's shiver...
So look at me and listen to me....

I never needed your corrections...
On everything from how I act to what I say...
I never needed words
I never needed hurts
I never needed you to be there everyday....

I'm sorry for the way I let go...
From everything I wanted when you came along....
But I'm never beaten... Broken not defeated...
I know next to you is not where I belong...

And it's a little late for explanations...
There isn't anythg that you can do...
And my eye's hurt, and hand's shiver....
So you will listen when I say....

Monday, June 15, 2009

I never thought... I'd... be in love like this...
When I look at you my mind goes on trip...
And you came in... and knocked me on my face...
Feels like i'm in a race....
But I already won first place...

I never thought I'd... wld fall for you hard as I did...
You got me thinking about our life, our house and our kids....
Every morning I look at you and I smile...
Cause boy you come around and you knocked me down.... knocked me down....

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Aku skrg nie makin worried...
My skin condition had gotten so bad....
I want it to be okay....
N then also my face.. dun want it to be so puffy...
Dahlah shape muka tk brape cantik...
Walaupon aku yakin yg aku sememang nya ada muka yg cantik...
Tu sebab nk kene jaga... tk boleh malas....
Mestilah hancur nanti....

Nanti on 23rd June aku dh start skola...
Two times a wk plak tu.... dah start busy lah....
hopefully aku dpt ilmu yg berkat n senang nk msk... Amin...

Nw going to be so busy.. aku nk kene plan days aku btol2...
Like facial, spas... Nk jumpa tunang aku... Puasa & Hari Raya...
Pheww... macam2 to look forward to till end of this year...
Then look forward to 6th of June 2010....

Dpt gd news yg next year byk long weekends... Alhamdulillah!!!
Best!! Next year looks set to be a gd year...

Cuma satu je yg aku still can't figure out....
Whether nk ada anak cepat atau lambat....
Tgk org2 ada anak... Mcm May.. mcm nk anak jgk...
Tapi aku pon nk concentrate on other thgs jgk....
Is 25 a gd age to be a mum? Am I ready to be a mum?