Mlm raya.. I went to geylang with Ridzwan...
Coz he asks me out yet again... :)
Dahlah mlm sblm tu dah pegi geylang sama2... hehe.. Dia temankan aku buat henna then he carry my bags.. So sweet!!
At first, kita gi metro je... to buy my handbag... Then we bought his clothes... And then baru gi geylang... First time gi geylang masa mlm raya... So pack!
Kat geylang, kitta jumpa radea jap.. tu pon plan mcm tak btol... Tak tau knape mcm mendak sey... Dahlah ramai org.. Abeh radea dah interrogate dia, dia mcm tak comfortable gitu...
Dahlah dia pemalu... So aku hint2 kat radea to juz drop the subject lah...
He is so sweet.. Temankan aku je mana aku nak pergi...
Panas plak tu... Org dah sesak2... tapi tis yr sumer org mcm tkda mood raya gitu.... tak tau knape.. Haizzz...
He's really a nice guy lah.. pergi & balik we took cab... Kesian dia...
Then mlm raya aft kita balik... i think he sound me again... The next morning, he msg me saying "gd morning baby.. Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir & batin.." I'm so touch lah.. coz no guy ever make that effort to even say such a sweet & simple word..
Then we discover that our baju colour really match.. coz we exchange photos afterwards... So sweet... Hehe.. I dunno why i'm happy lah... I dunno if i've fallen in love with Ridzwan...?
Btw, dats my pic on first day of hari raya... And the colour of this font is my baju raya colour.. :)
I dun have his pic to upload... but he looks handsome lah.. esp with his songkok... haha... duh!!