Now that you're out of my life... I'm so much better... You thought that i will be weak without you... But, i'm stronger... You thought that i will be broke without you... But, i'm richer... You thought that i will be sad without you... I laugh harder... You thought that i won't grow without you... Now, i'm wiser... You thought that i will be helpless without you... But, i'm smarter... You thought that i will be stress without you... But i'm chilling... You thought that i won't sell without you... Sold 9 millions... I'm a survivor! I'm not gonna give up... I'm not gonna stop... I'm gonna work harder... I'm a survivor! I'm gonna make it. I will survive... Keep on surviving... You thought that i couldn't breathe without you... But, i'm in heaven... You thought that i couldn't see without you... Perfect vision... You thought that i couldn't last without you... But i'm lasting... You thought that i would die without you... But i'm living... Thought that i would self-destruct... But i'm still here... You thought that i would fail without you... But i'm on top... Even in my years to come... I'm still gonna be here...
Yesterday he told me that....... Maybe he's suffering from an illness (brain tumour or sumting). It's not confirm yet.. But the news makes me sad...... :( Although i did not tell him that. Mayb he feels that i did not care for him... But deep down inside i know that i want him back... Its only that he's diff person from what i used to know that makes me stop.
I dunno why i felt empty inside nowadays. Ever since you came back, my life is in a mess... Deep down inside............... Even if you........... Always make mistakes............ Always dissapoints me............ Always breaking my heart....... Always acts cold towards me.... Had some other gerls outside...... I know that i will always LOVE you................ Yesterday, tomorrow, now & FOREVER......
Monday, August 6, 2007
As of today: Gaji jalan mcm air.. The prob with me is that i'm too generous for my own good! Kalau nak kluar dgn org yg takda duit je sumer org aku nak blanje!! Then taxi.. I must stop taking taxis!!! I've now resorted to leaving my atm card at home.. Haizzz........
*Ya Allah... Bermacam2 dugaan dan tohmahan yg aku terima...*
*Bilakah akan tercapai kebahagiaan? Aku tidak sekuat itu.*
*Suami yg kusedari tidak dpt bersama ...
14 years ago
My favourite things!
Chatting with friends
Chilling at cafes and beaches
Cooking...... i do really!
Earn more Income
Eating at favourite makan places!
Harry Potter
Having a Happy Family!
Reading magazines
Shopping & Shopping
Staring into a mirror and wish that i'm more beautiful..