Saturday, December 6, 2008

I think I'm stupid lah...
Why must I believe all his words??
Why did I ever suggest to him that idea anyway..
Coz I already knew that he's nt gonna do it??
Bodoh kan.........................
And then you still continue to be nice to him and give in to him.
Why must I stick with him anyway??
I'm not his property what...
Anyway if he really loves me, he won't do that...
So yeah... I kinda hate him right now.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Is such a blissful month. Coz you know that a brand new year is just around the corner.
And I got many so called "holidays" now. Coz Boss juz came back from 2 wks holiday and his mum passed away.
But money is really, really tight now.
I hate this. Why is it such a torture just to get married??
I'm looking forward to all the holidays and for classes to end.
Getting really tired with work, colleagues, classmates, people.
Onlu looking forward in meeting my dear. No stress at all. Kalau jumpa hari2 pon more better.
Can't wait for 2009.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

These past weeks life had been normal.
Just concentrating on saving money.
For him, Dec is full of hope. He's getting his bonus soon..
For me, I have to wait long. I wanted to go dentist, but I feel like my money is not enough... How?
Even though bwk bekal everyday.. Still I need to survive on watever cash I had........
Still got lots of thgs which is unpaid. Makes me worried everyday... Gosh!!
I must nt spend on unnecessary thgs. :(