Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I came across some meaningful words today.....

Tak perlu mencari teman secantik BALQIS,
Jika diri tak seindah SULAIMAN,

Mengapa mengharap teman setampan YUSUF,
Jika kasih tak setulus ZULAIKHA,

Tak perlu mencari diri yang seteguh IBRAHIM,
Jika tak sekuat SITI SARAH,

Mengapa didamba teman seistimewa KHADIJAH,
Jika diri tak sesempurna RASULULLAH S.A.W,

“Tak guna Ada MATA kalau tak dapat MELIHAT, Tak guna Ada HATI kalau tak tau MENILAI….. “

Monday, November 5, 2007

Oklah today i cried first time b'coz of him.
It's a stupid matter actually.
And.. i didn't meant to hurt your feelings, honey.
Its juz that maybe i can't think properly at that point of time.
And it felt so helpless without a hp.
Nonetheless, i hope u dun need to force urself to meet me everyday.
Coz sometimes i know that u're tired & need ur rest too.
Plus u also hav ur own life to live.. to go out with ur frenz & family.. So i can't possibly be with you 24/7 ryte?
And.. anyway it feels so weird not to be able to sms or received ur calls..

It is kinda a big word.


That's a big question too.

I can't afford to have a failed marriage.

But he actually assured me that there won't be any such things.

But is just an assurance enough to make the marriage lasts?

Maybe i'm just being extra PARANOID.

But its been on my mind ever since he brought up this topic.

I can understand that he do not wanna wait too long.


Dunno lah.

Get Married?

Or not?

Or maybe we can get married first but don't have children first?


Sunday, November 4, 2007


Monday morning:-

Asal lah hp boleh rosak?

Merana sey... That hp.. It's my life okay..

Without it, nak contact mana2 org pon susah..

My guy, my frenz, my sis, uncle leong yg fetch aku pagi2...