Friday, September 4, 2009

Today... I got to buka with wan at Swensens.. Skali terjumpa mak andam aku pulak kat situ... Kak Juls...
Then aku pegi beli brg utk bwk to wan's mum... Kesian aku tgk cik terbaring je at sofa...
Aku belikan dia pati ikan haruan n she drank it... ckp terima kasih kat aku...
Makcik & Pakcik is a sweet couple lah.. Cuma kesian anak2 tk brape rapat sgt dgn dorg...
Except for maybe Jamil...
Bpk dia pon ckp dgn aku psl dia nk kasi wan S$10K utk beli kereta...
Aku mmg lah rasa okay.. tapi aku rasa sayang... Kan lebih baik duit S$10K tu buat utk duit kita kahwin... Yg tk tau entah cukup ke tak...
My fiancee's feeling? Juz say that maybe his feelings is void... Kdg2 tk faham lah...
Maybe dia ada some past issues with them...
Hopefully bila dia dah lama2 dgn aku.. his feelings wld be more... nt towards me aje but towards his parents...
Of course I love my fiancee very much no matter what happens...

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