Saturday, September 19, 2009

Life was hectic these past few days from last week...
Took a lot leave utk buat kueh...
Initially I do not enjoy this coz mak busu balik early from Dubai...
Gosh... buat kueh lage... Aqueelah kacau...
Perangai mmg tk berubah walaupon anak dah nk msk dua...
Still so bossy & infuriating... Aku mmg nk lari umah angah...
Tapi tk sempat dia dah balik siang...
N aku rasa.. dia mmg tk suka kita tgl situ.. haha..
Kau tunggu jelah nxt yr aku beli umah... Tk payah nk bother sumer org lage!!

Monday.. very hectic.. nk abiskan kerja before aku leave... colleagues sumer mcm sial... Dah tau aku puasa n all.. Tapi kasi aku stress... Aku wonder knape ehk aku yg mcm byk buat kerja kat company tu?? Benci.. Esp Sharon and 2nd Joanna.. psl dia kuncu Sharon.

Alhamdullilah.. kueh berjaya siap on time.. sumer dah collect...
Tapi untung tk memadai... On wed dpt pegi geylang.. beli langsir utk bridal room..
Cantik! Now tgl tunggu beli cadar je...
On thurs morning, wan amek aku from work........ so nice of my dear...
Love you... Kdg2 boleh buat aku marah bila malas... tapi i knw dat in watever he do, he will think of me... Then balik nk kena hantar cake to Sharmila (leceh!) and buka seoul garden dgn limah & syimah...
Now tgl masak juadah utk hari raya.. Nasib tk penat sgt.. malas tau kalau org buat kerja n tk tau nk kemas sendiri... boring!! Umur dah lanjut...
N pls jgn nk suroh2 aku... I'm not your maid okay!! Malas nk layan org2 mcm gini...
I think I hate Mak busu tu same like I hate Sharon.
When they are ard, there is some kind of a heavy feeling in my heart.

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