Saturday, June 13, 2009

Aku skrg nie makin worried...
My skin condition had gotten so bad....
I want it to be okay....
N then also my face.. dun want it to be so puffy...
Dahlah shape muka tk brape cantik...
Walaupon aku yakin yg aku sememang nya ada muka yg cantik...
Tu sebab nk kene jaga... tk boleh malas....
Mestilah hancur nanti....

Nanti on 23rd June aku dh start skola...
Two times a wk plak tu.... dah start busy lah....
hopefully aku dpt ilmu yg berkat n senang nk msk... Amin...

Nw going to be so busy.. aku nk kene plan days aku btol2...
Like facial, spas... Nk jumpa tunang aku... Puasa & Hari Raya...
Pheww... macam2 to look forward to till end of this year...
Then look forward to 6th of June 2010....

Dpt gd news yg next year byk long weekends... Alhamdulillah!!!
Best!! Next year looks set to be a gd year...

Cuma satu je yg aku still can't figure out....
Whether nk ada anak cepat atau lambat....
Tgk org2 ada anak... Mcm May.. mcm nk anak jgk...
Tapi aku pon nk concentrate on other thgs jgk....
Is 25 a gd age to be a mum? Am I ready to be a mum?

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