Friday, June 12, 2009

Dear blog...

This is such a busy week...
Sejak aku naik pangkat nie... there's a lot of thgs to do...
N still I heard dat bitch complains & complains....
Why uh? Kene kerja kat luar mmg lah penat sikit....
Tapi yg penting, she can't msn, watch movie/drama and talk on the phone...
It irritates me when she's at the office lah...
N it seems that i find it better for the boss to be in office rather than her....
Haizzz... pelik lah aku...
Wonder why aku asyik complain psl dia aje huh??
N Joanna.. she did irritates me a bit.. but sumtimes, she make it up to me...
So mcm tk rasa sgt.... Sandy pon sama.... kdg2 dia ada belanja aku....

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