Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I'm feeling a bit lethargic... No mood at all to work.
Not happy being here... Not happy being at home. :(
I'm a gerl with so much dreams... Its only the ppl who r alwayz destroying the dreams.
I think Mak Baru is the real two faced monster.. I still can rememeber the stuck up face yesterday.. Yeah fine... if org dah nk sidai kan.. why can't she juz put it there.. Obviously she hav issues with herself.
What a bitch! Dunno what she sembahyang for huh? :(
Joanna & Sharon is still consider okay... N mak busu too.

These r the types of ppl that i can't connect with... I hope my next environment will be like a family.
I felt guilty abt Wan.. the fact that he loves me very much and he could possibly makes me happy........ I shouldn't have treated him that way.
The r'ship deserves better. Coz having someone to really love you wholeheartedly is already a blessing itself.. :)
I'm glad that despite everythg, i still have him in my life. Thank you Allah.
I love you very much my dear.. Maybe i juz didn't realized it all these while.

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