Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Yesterday.. i was so damn angry with the guys at my workplace..
I meant its okay if u wanna disturb me.. Like a lil sister kan..
But its not okay if u wanna pass sexual comments to me.

And.. I feel like.. Its not damn appropriate to me..
Esp if u're asking for sexual favors... HAiyo!!!!
Do u guys think i'm that cheap??

Hate it!! Benci.. Luckily Ridzwan(my guy) is so understanding... :(
Smlm dah lah strez psl the course then angah call tanya2 psl duit...

Then from morng the guys non-stop came in.. disturb2 me..
That Sarifie guy.. Wow! Stand so close behind me in the copier room and then can ask me some more nak peluk boleh ke tak! Ewww... Abeh.. Nak gula2 yg boleh buat aku keras if he kiss me?? Ewww....
Bobby dahlah 2-3 kali naik atas (pastu nak balik dgn aku plak tu! Uncomfortable tau.. Dahlah dia dah tunang..)

Plus Kamal, Nahar, Mali, Ah cHOy (Eww..), Lionel.. William nasib dia bz smlm kalau tak evry hr nk msk ofis aku.. Azren smlm tk kacau sgt..

Plus the sms from Syaqil (Said alih2 that i owe him a kiss) and a call from that stupid Ridhwan!!! Hate him!!
Got the cheeks to say that aku dah sombong skrg... Duh!!

Dahlah.. Malas nak layan dorg lage!! :(

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