Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I just hate it when ppl makes me sad or angry in the morng.. It seems like almost everyday, HE (my dear ex) is affecting my emotions n moods. :( I dunno why... N it will turns up i will be so emotionally depressed that i tend to resent guys... N this is affecting my personal life.. I hardly had anymore dates nowadays.......

Like today's morning for example.. He asked me what time did i go back yesterday frm work, what time i reached wdls mrt n what time i reached home.. and it turns out that he SAW me at wdls mrt.. N yesterday i coincidently went back with Faizal (Itu pon coz he said he's not meeting me), the technician at my werkplace.. N he just assumes things!!!!! If he's jealous, he can just says so.. Why does he need to accuse me that i've got a bf n everythg?? I never LIE abt all these thgs okay?
Doesn't he knows that i'm actually longing to meet him too? I even cancelled the plan to visit my fren who had an accident just b'coz of him!! N at last, he said that he's meeting his cousin at wdls.. SO what can i say?
It's purely coincidental that i met Faizal at the bus stop n we went back home together!!
Why must he blames me when he himself are hiding SECRETS from me??
Does he thinks that i just imagine the testimonial from the gerl to be there?
N does he thinks that i'm stupid enough not to know that he deleted all the testimonials before approving me? Like Duh!!!